Anna Russell - Survey of Singing from Madrigals to Modern Opera - No. 1. Two madrigals ("Come, let's hang the holly" & "Come, lovely Death") & a cantata ("We went into the outermart")
LindoroRossini LindoroRossini
16.6K subscribers

 Published On Dec 27, 2008

I've already posted several selections from Anna Russell's various contributions to the world of musical comedy, all of which constitute some of my favorite musical sketches but this present upload or, more precisely, a series of three postings remains a source of constant pleasure, even though I easily know it back to front :D. In about thirty minutes Anna Russell passes through various styles, including prolonged operatic dying/mad scenes and charming madrigals, pointing out their sometimes charmingly humorous qualities (the melodramatics of the dying scene from "Aminia" is to die for). There is nothing truly to say on this sketch as it truly speaks by itself, thus my comments could only be limited to the following: approach this piece as unseriously as you can, and I do hope you'll find it enjoyable :).

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