"Song of the 12th Starodubovsky Dragoons" — English subs and translation
A life for the Czar A life for the Czar
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 Published On Feb 1, 2020

Russian Empire, after 1878

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The song of the 12th Dragoon Starodubovsky regiment, narrating about its glorious fighting history. It was written no earlier than 1878 (this is indicated by a line in the lyrics that says about the decorations for shakos received during the last Russo-Turkish war), it is also quite possible that it could be written for the regimental anniversary in 1909 (then a new St. George's standard was received, which, also mentioned in the words of the song, but for the first time it was assigned to the regiment back in 1810, which does not allow to date the song for sure). Particular attention in the song is given to the deeds of the regiment during the war of 1812, as well as to the battle on the Adda River (also known as Battle of Cassano, 1799) during the Italian campaign of Suvorov. The already deceased veterans who fought in the ranks of this regiment for its long history are recalled in the lyrics, and the song also expresses full confidence that in the future young dragoons will fight faithfully and fulfill their duty in order to deserve the "sign of the Czar's delight" again. Performed by the "Valaam" Choir.

Portrayed by Cavalry General Aleksandr Voinov (1770—1831), a hero of the Napoleonic Wars and chief of the Starodubovsky Dragoons during the battle of Adda River in 1799, in the times of Suvorov's Italian Campaign.


Ужъ много ​лѣтъ​ прошло съ тѣхъ поръ,
Когда по Адовой долинѣ
Нашъ полкъ скакалъ во ​вѣсь​ опоръ
Подобно снѣговой лавинѣ...

Спятъ мертвымъ сномъ, таковъ удѣлъ,
Драгуны - воины ​сѣдые​.
Не прозвучитъ ужъ имъ ​аппель​
Призывомъ въ бой, какъ въ дни ​былые​.

Дрались подъ ​Миромъ​ и подъ Краснымъ,
Дрались въ бою Шевардина,
Воспоминаніемъ ужасенъ
Французамъ день Бородина.

Самъ Царь вѣнчалъ драгунъ наградой,
Драгунскій киверъ отличёнъ
Наградой, Царскою отрадой
Навѣки полкъ запечатлёнъ.

И памятникъ тому ​есть​ вѣчный:
Штандартъ Георгіевскій въ строю -
Подъ нимъ умретъ драгунъ безпечный,
Сложившій голову въ бою.

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