Hike with Peaceful Puppies and Falling Leaves, Relic of Korean Past Gyeongui Line Forest Park 경의선 숲길
Seoul Hiker Seoul Hiker
157 subscribers

 Published On Nov 18, 2023

The Gyeongui Line in Seoul was originally built to connect Seoul of Seoul Korea and Sinuiju of North Korea. As the railway lost its utility after the division of North and South Korea, it was transformed into an urban forest path in 2016. Starting from Hyochang Park Station in Yongsan-gu and extending to Yeonnam-dong in Mapo-gu, each section has its own unique theme, such as Metasequoia Road, Zelkova Tree Road, and Cafe Street, offering various charms. Following the forest path, you can still see traces of the old railway and train stations, preserving its history. The Gyeongui Line Forest Path connects the urban and the forest and the present and the past, representing the somber history of both Koreas. Shall we hike together?

서울 경의선은 본래 서울과 신의주를 잇기 위해 건설된 철로였지만 남북 분단 이후 기찻길이 그 효용을 잃게 되자 2016년 도심 속 숲길로 재건되었습니다. 용산구의 효창공원역에서 시작하여 마포구 연남동까지 각 구간마다 메타세콰이어길, 느티나무길, 카페거리 등 제각기 독특한 테마를 지니고 있어 다양한 매력을 선사하지요. 숲길을 따라서는 옛 기찻길과 간이역의 흔적이 아직도 남아 있어 그 유래를 전합니다. 도심과 숲, 현재와 과거, 대한민국의 안타까운 역사를 잇는 경의선 숲길, 함께 걸어 볼까요?

Jimmy Kim and his Music Channel found on Spotify and YouTube, Deadly Beats linked below.

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