母親節要怎麼慶祝呢?今年我們帶阿嬤和媽媽去吃他們喜歡的美食,7個女兒也準備了特別的母親節表演 Mother's Day Feast With Grandma & 7 Girl Performance
老外爸爸 Lao Wai Ba Ba 老外爸爸 Lao Wai Ba Ba
376K subscribers

 Published On May 17, 2024

好消息,我們現在提供經濟包裝茶包:簡單包裝,更低價格,同樣美味的茶=CP值更高!最近也開始賣我們小孩喜歡穿的鄉村風蛋糕裙!還有限量的手帕和小孩的手工,由季芳精心挑選的自然靈感飾品。如果你看網站時已經售完,不用擔心,我們正在準備下一批(更多)漂亮的蛋糕裙,加上3-到4款全新的產品。敬請期待!我設計的T恤 “Explore Taiwan,” “Fatherhood,” 和 “Always Be Ready” 也還有貨,都可以在這裡買得到:https://www.metsalife.com,謝謝您的支持!













Stephen (老外爸爸)

Growing up in a family of 7 boys, I remember that my Mama was a strong woman, and that she took good care of us.

Now that Christy and I are raising 7 girls of our own, I realize that I didn’t say thank you enough to my Mom, nor did I really understand all that she did for us on a daily basis. She faithfully kept us fed and clothed, bandaged our wounds, drove us to school, helped us with homework, encouraged us in our achievements (no matter how small or great), spanked us when we deserved it (Thanks Mom!), prayed for us and scratched our backs before bed each night, and continually pointed us to Jesus.

I know that not all are blessed to have such a loving mother, who pours her life into her children. I am truly humbled by God’s graciousness to me, and don’t take it for granted. My Dad did well to marry my mother, she is as the proverbs describe- a woman a virtue :

“An excellent wife who can find?    She is far more precious than jewels.
The heart of her husband trusts in her,    and he will have no lack of gain…
Her children rise up and call her blessed;    her husband also, and he praises her:
Many women have done excellently,    but you surpass them all.
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

(Proverbs 31)

So thank you dear Mother for all that you do, and all that you are. I love you!

Blessings to all the mother’s out there. Your efforts to love and nurture your children, to teach them the paths of life, and ultimately to pour out yourself so that these little ones may grow and flourish, does not go unseen. Your Heavenly Father sees your daily sacrifice. May you reap a harvest of life, and joy, and love, and may your children rise up and call you blessed.

Thanks for watching today’s video. To hear Christy’s touching Mother’s day message to her Mother, please watch the video. We’ll see you next time.


P.S. Chinese subtitles are available (Please click 'CC'). English Subtitles are coming soon.
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