Peter Hawkins: Beauty in Leadership & Coaching & The Transformation of Human Consciousness
Systemic Agility Systemic Agility
519 subscribers

 Published On Sep 18, 2024

Peter will demonstrate practical methods for leaders and coaches to shift their own and others' problem-centric, left-brain thinking towards a more co-creative, systemic, and emergent approach to collaborative inquiry.
He will explain how this form of leadership in coaching engages not only the whole brain but also the heart, gut, and entire body. Peter will also show how coaches and leaders can tap into their deeper senses to open up new perspectives, ways of thinking, and modes of being.
Drawing from his latest book, published by Routledge in December 2024, Peter will explore the major challenges of our time, how they are interconnected, and how they stem from human consciousness failing to evolve at the pace of our changing world.
Finally, Peter will discuss how coaching and leadership must evolve to help transform human consciousness, with Beauty serving as a guide on this journey.

About Professor Peter Hawkins
Peter is Chairman of Renewal Associates and joint founder and Dean of the Global Team Coaching Institute. He is one of the Global top 100 coaches and the international thought leader in systemic coaching, executive teams, and board development. He is an Emeritus Professor of Leadership at Henley Business School, Honorary President of the Academy of Executive Coaching and Senior Fellow and Advisor to the Singapore Government.
Peter has been coaching since 1978 and has pioneered and developed the four areas Coaching Supervision, Systemic Team Coaching and Systemic Coaching and ecological and climate conscious coaching, with individuals, through research, writing key books and chapters, and teaching and supervising coaches in over 100 countries around the world.
He has been a keynote speaker at many international conferences on learning organization, leadership, and executive coaching and teaches and leads masterclasses in Systemic Team Coaching in over 50 different countries.
He is the author of many best-selling books and papers in the fields of leadership, board and team coaching, systemic coaching, supervision, and organizational transformation (including Leadership Team Coaching, Kogan Page 2021 (4th ed); Leadership Team Coaching in Practice, Kogan Page 2022 (3rd ed); Systemic Coaching: Delivering value beyond the Individual. (Routledge 2020, with Eve Turner); Coaching, Mentoring and Organizational Consultancy: Supervision, Skills and Development (McGraw Hill 2013, with Nick Smith); Creating a Coaching Culture, 2012; and The Wise Fool’s Guide to Leadership, O Books, 2005, *Ecological and Climate Conscious Coaching Routledge 2022,*with Alison Whybrow, Eve Turner, Josie McClean. He is now busy working on a new book for Routledge on “Beauty in Life, Leadership and Coaching.” and a book with Professor Salome Van Coller on “Coaching the Team of Teams”
Peter was joint founder, in 1986, of Bath Consultancy Group and its chairman until the company was sold in 2010 and has chaired three other company boards as well as being a trustee director of several charities.
Peter Hawkins has consulted to a wide range of governments departments, regional councils and leading commercial, financial and professional organizations including Fortune 500 and FtSE 100 international companies. He has led Partner development programmes for all of the Big four consultancy programmes in many countries of the world and helped many organisations develop their coaching strategy and internal coaching communities.
He now supervises and mentors many coaching and consultancy businesses internationally as well as running international trainings and masterclasses.
He lives on the edge of Bath UK with 37 acres which he shares, with many animals and trees as well as his children and grandchildren and leaders who come on courses and retreats.

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