Arunachala : Spiritual Heart of the World + Cynosure of the Jñānī
Joe Lee Joe Lee
896 subscribers

 Published On Mar 30, 2015

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A walk down memory lane…yes, a video that stirs up memories of past visits to the Ashram & sentiments evoked by Arunachala’s splendor & majesty, verily the spiritual heart of the world. These memories have recently surfaced again and help explain the birth of the video. Its significance seems to center around Sep 1st - the date that marks Bhagavan Ramana’s rendezvous with Arunachalesvara. Also, the date points to the founding of Ramanasramam..

1. Arunachala Shiva – I found this used in some videos and am not sure of its origin.
2. Sanctus, meaning “holy” – This is the famous “Canon in D” of J. Pachelbel - 1653-1706 - a composer born in Nuremberg. The work was originally scored for 3 violins and basso continuo but here it has been turned into a choral piece and sung by a boys choir called “Libera” from London, UK. Bhavagan Ramana himself recommended it, and when I juxtaposed it with the first soundtrack “Arunachala Shiva”, I found that they somehow harmonized beautifully. Side by side, they paint a lovely contrast best described as a simple/florid expression of the evocative and heartfelt sentiments of both East & West. I can’t help but feel that Bhagavan wants to honor the many German pilgrims who go to Arunachala. I found out to my surprise that Pachelbel was baptized on Sep 1, 1653. And Sep1st was the very day - in the year 1916 - that Bhagavan walked into Arunachala. This very same day marks the birth of Ramana Ashram. Sep1st continues to be celebrated each year, this year being Ramanasramam’s 99-100th anniversary. The lyrics of Sanctus still function as the Eucharistic prayer of the Roman rite. They seem to fit the Arunachala setting very well - the prayer opens with this paean: “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts”. One can almost feel the blaze of fire, brilliance and glory that the paean evokes.
3. Om Namah Shivaya – this needs no introduction as the mantra is well known to many Shiva devotees. The chant was performed by a choir from USA.
4. Lux Aeterna Eternal Light - The tune is based on Elgar's "Nimrod". Here, you hear the symphonic work sung instead in Latin by the choir of New College, Oxford, UK. The text is from the R.C. Requiem Mass.

I have taken the liberty to include some composite pics showing Buddha Dipankara, Siddha Ji Gong alongside those of Bhagavan to commemorate Mr. George Chia’s encounter with these holy beings while on a serendipitous visit to Arunachala. George is a Tai Chi master from Singapore and had no previous knowledge of Bhagavan prior to visiting Arunachala. At the request of Simon Sim, his travel companion, he and his friends decided to reroute their travel plans to Arunachala when they found that Sri Sathya Sai was not in Puttaparthi. It was on Arunachala Hill that George had his encounter with the ancient Buddha Dipankara, Ji Gong, a Jnani of Sung dynasty China, and Bhagavan himself. According to George, Bhagavan Ramana gave him a “blast of energy” from the top of the head down to his toes. He felt that one day he would have to create a composite picture depicting Dipankara, Ji Gong and Bhagavan to commemorate this great event. What the apparition-encounter experience clearly indicates is the living tradition of enlightened Jnanis and siddhas: the lineage from the hoary past to contemporary times. Lord Shiva as Adinatha/Primordial Guru -- [to] Buddha Dipankara -- [to] Jnani Ji Gong -- [to] Bhagavan Ramana. The names Dipankara and Ji Gong are epithets, but the former’s association with light, lamp and fire -- [to] Dipam, Jyothi, Agni - these terms being iconic of the ruddy fire of Jnana, the SUBJECTIVE knowledge that begets Moksha or liberation.


Benedictus, benedictus Blessed, blessed
Qui venit in nomine benedictus he who comes in your name
In nomine Domine - 2x in the name of the Lord

Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabbaoth Holy Lord, God of Hosts
Pleni sunt coeli et terra Gloria Heaven & Earth are full of your glory
Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabbaoth Holy, Lord of Hosts
Pleni sunt coeli gloria. Heaven is full of your glory

Pleni sunt coeli et terra Gloria tuas
Benedictus, benedictus
Qui venit in nomine benedictus
In nomine Domine

Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabbaoth
Pleni sunt coeli et terra Gloria
Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabbaoth
Pleni sunt coeli gloria. - 2x

Pleni sunt coeli et terra Gloria tuas
Hosanna in excelsis

Hosanna = an expression of adoration/praise/joy.


Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine, cum sanctis tuis in aeternum, quia pius es. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine; et lux perpetua luceat eis...

which means

"May everlasting light shine upon them, O Lord, with thy saints in eternity, for thou art merciful. Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and may everlasting light shine upon them."

Produced & posted by Cjuan 傳

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