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 Published On Dec 19, 2023

Pork Ginger
五花肉 Sliced pork—250g
洋蔥 Onion—1/2個
薑泥 Ginger paste—2小匙
生辣椒 Chili pepper—1支
清酒 Sake—2大匙
味醂 Mirin—1大匙
砂糖 Sugar—2小匙
醬油 Soy sauce—2大匙

Chli Chicken
雞腿肉 Chicken thigh—2片
鹽巴&黑胡椒 Salt & black pepper
太白粉 Potato starch

蒜頭泥 Garlic paste—1小匙
薑泥泥 Ginger paste—1小匙
生辣椒 Chili pepper—1支
洋蔥 Onion—1/4個
清酒 Sake—2大匙
砂糖 Sugar—2小匙
醬油 Soy sauce—2小匙
番茄醬 Ketchup—80g

Ground Pork Curry
豬絞肉 Ground pork—80g
牛絞肉 Ground beef—80g
鹽巴&黑胡椒 Salt&Black pepper

洋蔥 Onion—1/2個
水煮番茄 Canned tomato—200g
蒜泥 Garlic paste—1小匙
薑泥 Ginger paste—1/2小匙

咖哩粉 Curry powder—2大匙
紅糖 Brown sugar—1大匙
奶油 Butter—1大匙
蠔油 Oyster sauce—1大匙

Nanban Salmon
鮭魚 Salmon—1片
麵粉 Flour—2大匙
鴻禧菇 Shimeji—100g
生辣椒 Chili pepper—1支

味淋 Mirin—1大匙
醬油 Soy sauce-2大匙
砂糖 Sugar-1/2大匙
清酒 Sake—1大匙
米醋 Rice vinegar-2大匙
日式高湯 Dashi—60cc

Marinated Kinoko
鴻禧菇 Shimeji—100g
杏鮑菇 Abalone mushroom—2個
乾燥香菇 Dried shitake—10片
金針菇 Enoki—50g
味淋 Mirin—2大匙
砂糖 Sugar—1小匙
醬油 Soy sauce—2大匙
米醋 Rice vinegar—1大匙
柴魚片 Katusobushi—2g
白芝麻 White sesame—少許

Spinach ohitashi
菠菜 Spinach—5把
紅蘿蔔 Carrot—50g
味醂 Mirin—2大匙
砂糖 Sugar—1大匙
醬油 Soy sauce—2大匙
蠔油 Oyster sauce—1大匙

Stir Fried Ginger Pork
(1) 1/2 of onion, cut into slices
(2) 1 chili pepper, cut into small rings
(3) 2 tsp of Ginger paste
(4) 250g of sliced pork, cut into suitable sizes
(5) (marinade)
*2 tbsp of sake
*1 tbsp of mirin
*2 tsp of brown sugar
*2 tbsp of soy sauce
*2 tsp of ginger paste
(6) Add pork into the marinade, marinate it for 15 minutes
(1) 1 tsp of oil
(2) Put to medium high heat
(3) Add onion & chili pepper and fry them until translucent. Take them out.
(4) Same frying pan. Add marinated pork
(5) Fry until golden brown
(6) Add onion and chili pepper back
(7) Salt & pepper to taste

Stir-fried Chicken in Chili Sauce
(1) 1/4 of onion, chop into small pieces
(2) 1 chili pepper, chop into small rings
(3) 2 chicken thighs, cut into suitable size
(4) Sauce
*80g of ketchup
*2 tbsp of sake
*2 tsp of brown sugar
*2 tsp of soy sauce
*1 tsp of garlic paste
*1 tsp of ginger paste
(5) Sprinkle some starch
(6) Cover chicken thigh pieces with starch
(1) 1 tsp of oil
(2) Put to medium heat
(3) Add chicken thigh
(4) Saute until golden brown then take them out first
(5) Same frying pan. Add onion and chili and fry until translucent
(6) Add combined sauce
(7) Add chicken back
(8) Cook for 1 minute

No-water Keema Curry
(1) 1/2 of onion, chop into small pieces
(1) 1 tsp of oil
(2) Put to medium heat
(3) Add onion and fry until translucent
(4) Move onion to the side of frying pan
(5) Add 1 tsp of butter
(6) Add 80g of ground beef and 80g of ground pork
(7) Season the meat with salt & pepper
(8) Fry until golden brown
(9) Mix all the ingredients together
(10) 2 tbsp of curry powder
(11) Fry until aromatic
(12) Add 200g of canned tomato
(13) Add 1 tbsp of oyster sauce
(14) Add 1 tbsp of brown sugar (Try the taste here and adjust the flavor with salt according to your preference)
(15) 1/4 tsp of salt

Salmon Nanbanzuke. (Japanese Escabeche Recipe)
(1) 100g of shimeji, separate it into small pieces
(2) 1 chili pepper, chop into small rings
(3) 1 slice of salmon, remove fish bones
(4) Cut the salmon into suitable pieces
(5) Sauce
*60cc of dashi
*1 tbsp of rice vinegar
*1 tbsp of sake
*1/2 tbsp of brown sugar
*2 tbsp of soy sauce
(6) Sprinkle some flour
(7) Cover the salmon pieces with flour
(1) 2 tsp of oil
(2) Put to medium heat
(3) Add salmon
(4) Fry until golden brown and take out the salmon first
(5) Wipe off excess oil
(6) Add shimeji
(7) Saute until golden brown
(8) Add chili pepper
(9) Add combined sauce
(10) Put the salmon back
(11) Cook for 1 minute

Marinated mushroom in Japanese style of marinade
(1) 2 abalone mushrooms, chop into slices
(2) 50g of enoki, remove the stem, separate them into small clumps and cut it into small sections
(3) 10 dried shitake, soaked, cut into small pieces

(4) Sauce
*2 tbsp of mirin
*1 tsp of brown sugar
*1 tbsp of rice vinegar
*2 tbsp of soy sauce
(1) Add abalone, shitake and enoki mushrooms into boiling water, blanch for about 2 minutes
(2) Take out all the ingredients and absorb excess water
(3) Put all ingredients into a seasoning bowl
(4) Pour in combined sauce
(5) Add 2g of shredded katsuo bushi
(6) 1 tsp of white sesame

Boiled Spinach Salad
(1) 5 bunches of spinach
(2) Remove the root part
(3) Cut a cross cut at the bottom part of each bunch
(4) 50g of carrot, cut into thin strips
(5) Sauce
*2 tbsp of mirin
*1 tbsp of brown sugar
*2 tbsp of soy sauce
*1 tbsp of oyster sauce
(1) Add carrot strips into boiling water, blanch for 30 seconds and take them out
(2) Blanch the spinach (Stem part first and put in the whole bunch) for 20 seconds
(3) Take out the spinach and put it in ice water
(4) Squeeze out excess water
(5) Separate spinach into smaller bunches and cut it into sections
(6) Put spinach and carrot into a seasoning bowl
(7) Add combined sauce and mix them well

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