阿寒湖アイヌコタン 阿寒湖アイヌコタン
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 Published On Jul 30, 2022

阿寒湖四季の動画 春編


出演 山本栄子

2022年より阿寒アイヌ協会 会長に就任。

阿寒湖アイヌコタン https://www.akanainu.jp/

阿寒アイヌコンサルン https://a-ainucon.com/

NPO法人阿寒観光協会まちづくり推進機構 https://ja.visit-eastern-hokkaido.jp/...

釧路・阿寒湖観光公式サイト https://ja.kushiro-lakeakan.com/

出演 山本栄子 渡邊かよ

音楽 川上ミネ
ディレクター・編集 田向奈央子
撮影 入江領 鈴木優介     音響効果 佐古伸一
音声 小川房美   翻訳 Lisa Watson
コピーライター 山中律子    指導 秋辺デボ

企画・プロデューサー 大和田礼 森尾俊昭 村上恵美子

制作プロダクション ㈱東京ビデオセンター ㈱ノヴェロ

制作・著作 釧路市

ディレクター 田向 奈央子 NHK「カムイの森にごはん降る降る」NHK「やまと尼寺精進日記」NHKWORLD「Medical Frontiers Search for Superfoods」を制作。 作曲 川上ミネ ピアニスト・作曲家。愛知県長久手市に生まれ、3歳でピアノを始める。ミュンヘン国立 音楽大学~マドリッド国立音楽大学院ピアノ科卒業。世界各地を旅してミュンヘン~ マドリッド~ハバナ、現在は京都とスペインに暮らし、旅に出て、音をスケッチする。 クラシック音楽から出発した無国籍・無ジャンル音楽を奏でる。コルドバのメスキータ、 サンチャゴ大聖堂、エル・エスコリアル修道院など多くの世界遺産で演奏、国内では 清水寺、春日大社でもコンサートを行った。2003 年以降、チューチョ・バルデス、 ネストル・マルコーニなどと共演。2005年 愛・地球博「モリゾーとキッコロ」のテーマ ソング、NH K テレビ「猫のしっぽ、カエルの手」、「やまとの季節七十二候」、「やまと 尼寺精進日記」、「北斎“宇宙” を描く」、NHK ラジオ「ラジオ深夜便」、映画「ベニシア さんの四季の庭」、スカイマークの機内テーマ曲など数多くのサウンドトラック、音楽 制作を担当。2020 年 川上ミネのドキュメンタリー番組「音のかたち」がNHK 総合、 BS1、NHK 国際放送(英語/スペイン語/ベトナム語/中国語)にて放送された。

Lake Akan Four Seasons Movie - Spring Edition
The fourth documentary short film about the Ainu, the indigenous people of Japan.

“Spring. Sharing the Blessings of the Kamui."
In May, the gray winter landscape of Lake Akanko Onsen is replaced by the green hues of spring.
The mother and daughter are in touch with their kotan friends, walking in the forest with them friends, and sharing the blessings from Kamui with everyone.
Through the mother and daughter, this is a story of the blessings of spring in Lake Akan and the heartful interactions between the people of the kotan.

Performed by Eiko Yamamoto
Eiko Yamamoto is a member of the Peure Utari Association and is involved in activities to eliminate discrimination and prejudice and to pass on Ainu culture. After moving to the Ainu Kotan of Lake Akan upon her marriage, she became a dancer of the Ainu traditional dance and has been involved in Ainu cultural performances in various places as a member of the Cultural Preservation Society. She has also worked on performing and documenting the Ainu people in the Akan Kuchikoto Society, and has participated in performances overseas. In addition to actively engaging in exchange with Ainu people outside of Hokkaido, she has much experience performing at schools and other venues and teaching at lectures.

Kayo Watanabe
Assumed the position of Chairperson of the Akan Ainu Association in 2022.
In the project to disseminate information of Ainu culture and Upopoi at the Tokyo Olympics, she served as sub-leader of the Ainu dance team specially organized for the project to disseminate information on Ainu culture and upopoi at the Tokyo Olympics.
She also performed at Theater Ikoro, where she sang, danced, and played Tonkori and Mukkuri instruments.
Through her diverse activities, she has passed on songs and dances from all over the Hokkaido.
In the 2022 in Utasa Festival, she formed a unit with her mother Eiko and young sister Rie to perform in "Neusarapa.
They performed Upopo, a song and dance from Lake Akan in East Hokkaido, which Eiko inherited from Honbetsu in the Tokachi region, and oral literature inherited by her sister Rie, who married in the town of Hiratori in the Hidaka region.

Akan Lake Akan Four Seasons Movie "Spring. Sharing the Blessings of Kamui.
Cast Eiko Yamamoto Kayo Watanabe

Music by Mine Kawakami
Director/Editor: Naoko Tamukai

Production Company Tokyo Video Center Co.

Production and copyright Kushiro City

Mine Kawakami
is a pianist and composer. Born in Nagakute, Aichi, Japan, Kawakami began playing the piano at the age of 3. Graduated from the Munich State University of Music and the National Graduate School of Music in Madrid, where she majored in piano. She has traveled all over the world, living in Munich - Madrid - Havana, and now in Kyoto and Spain, traveling and sketching sounds. He plays stateless and genre-less music departing from classical music. Since 2003, he has performed with Chucho Valdes, Nestor Marconi, etc. In 2005, he sang the theme song for "Morizo and Kiccoro" at Expo 2005 Aichi, Japan, and sang the theme song for NH K TV's "Cats and Cats". 2005:

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