চাষের মাছে যাতে রোগ না হয় সে জন্য করণীয় কার্যক্রম (Preventive Measure For Control of Fish Diseases)
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 Published On Nov 22, 2020

Preventive Measure For the Control of Fish Diseases ( মাছে রোগ না হওয়ার জন্য করণীয় কাজ) (মাছের রোগ ও তার প্রতিকার পর্ব-১ Fish Diseases & Its Remedy Part -1)
#মাছের_রোগ #মাছের_রোগ_প্রতিরোধ_ব্যবস্থা #মাছের_রোগ_চিকিৎসা #Aquaculture

ইউটিউবে হাজারো ভূল তথ্য প্রচারণার মধ্যে সঠিক তথ্য প্রচারে অঙ্গিকারা বদ্ধ ।

AABD64 অন্যান্য সকল প্রাণির মত মাছেরও রোগ আছে কিন্তু মাছ পানিতে বাস করে বলে এর চিকিৎস্য অত্যন্ত জটিল এবং কঠিন। অনেক সময় অসাদ্ধ। কারণ মাছের রোগ নির্নয় করা খুবই কঠিন। এ বিষয়ে সারা পৃতিবীই বেশ পিছিয়ে আছ্। মাছের চিকিৎসা দিতে গিয়ে জন স্বাস্থ্যকে হুমকির মাঝে ফেরা সমিচিন নয়। আজকের ভিডিওটি এ সকল বিষয়ে আলোচনা করা হয়েছে এবং মাছকে কিভাবে চাষ করলে রোগ থেকে নিরাপদ রাখা যাবে তার বিস্তারিত বিবরণ তুলে ধরা হয়েছে। আলোচনায় এমন কিছু নতুন কথা বলা হয়েছে যা আপনারা আগে কখোনও শুনেন নাই। আশা করি মাছচাষের সাথে জড়িত চাষি ভায়েরা এবং মৎস্য সেক্টরে কর্মরত কর্মীগণ উপকৃত হবেন এ ভিডিও থেকে।

আমার ফেইস বুক পেজটি ভিজিট করতে পারেন সেখানে মাছ চাষের বিষয়ে নান ধরনের পরামর্শ দেয়া হয়ে থাকে।
  / tofazahamed64  

Infectious diseases are among the most serious constraints to warmwater aquaculture. During the past 30 years, reported fish diseases in the southeastern United States have increased greatly; much of which was due to expansion and intensification of aquaculture, especially in the channel catfish industry. Viruses, bacteria, water molds, protozoa, helminths, and crustacea induce disease in warmwater fishes. While some of these are obligate pathogens, most are opportunistic facultative organisms that produce disease when fish health is compromised by injury or environmental stressors. The preferred method of controlling infectious diseases in warmwater aquaculture is by using “best management practices” that include improving and controlling the environment, handling and transporting fish properly, stocking at reasonable densities, using proper quantities of high quality feeds, using legal drugs judiciously, and vaccinating when effective products are available

Proper nutrition plays a critical role in maintaining normal growth and health of cultured fish. A variety of nutritional strategies may influence fish health, including adjustment of specific nutrient levels in the diet, manipulation of nutritional condition through feeding regimens, and administration of non-nutrient immunostimulants in the diet. Research with several fishes, including some marine and diadro-mous species such as salmonids, has established that immunocompet-ence and disease resistance can be compromised by deficiencies of various nutrients, especially certain vitamins and minerals. Thus, adequate levels of these micronutrients must be supplied in prepared diets to support optimal growth and production efficiency of fish in aquacul-ture. In addition, dietary supplementation of some of these micronutri-ents in excess of minimum requirement levels has been shown to significantly enhance immune responses and disease resistance of various animals. Overfortification of such nutrients as vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium have shown positive influences on immunity and disease resistance in some studies but no effects in other studies. Management practices that affect the nutritional condition of fish also may influence their health and ability to resist disease. Recent research with freshwater fish indicates certain feeding regimens, including moderate feed deprivation, alter a fish's resistance to disease. Such feeding regimens potentially may be applied to reduce losses of marine fish in aquacul-ture. Dietary supplementation of non-nutrient immunostimulatory compounds also has attracted considerable interest due to positive responses of several fish species in terms of non-specific immunity and disease resistance. Compounds such as −1,3-glucans which are derived from yeasts and fungi have been shown to change the activation level of different parts of the non-specific immune system, resulting in significantly reduced mortality after challenge with various pathogens. Some of these compounds have become commercially available in recent years, but their efficacy has been variable when administered in the diet. Specific examples concerning application of these various nutritional strategies in aquaculture are presented. Further advancements in these areas may allow nutritional modulation of the immune response to be used as an effective and relatively inexpensive alternative to chemical therapy in combating diseases of fish

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