Mood disorders (depression, mania/bipolar, everything in between)
MedLecturesMadeEasy MedLecturesMadeEasy
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 Published On Jun 15, 2017

This is a brief video on mood disorders in psychiatry, including depression, mania/bipolar, and everything in between.

I created this presentation with Google Slides.
Images were created or taken from Wikimedia Commons
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor.

Mood disorders
Low mood Neutral High mood
Major depressive disorder:
5 or more of the following, and must have depressed mood or anhedonia
Depressed mood:
S = sleep changes
I = interest loss (anhedonia)
G = guilt (worthless)
E = energy lack
C = concentration reduced
A = appetite change
P = psychomotor change
S = suicide ideation or thoughts
For at least 2 weeks
Not attributable to substances or medical conditions
Treat with psychotherapy, meds (SSRI, SNRI, MAOi, TCA), and ECT in refractory cases
3 or more of DIGFAST
For at least 4 days.
No significant impairment

3 or more of the following
D = Distractible
I = Irresponsibility / irritable / impulsive
G = Grandiose
F = Flight of ideas
A = Activity increase
S = Sleep decrease
T = Talkative
For at least one week
Causing significant impairment.
Not attributable to substances or medical conditions

Bipolar I: Requires only one episode of mania, although often includes hypomania and major depression
Bipolar II: Requires at least one episode of hypomania and one episode of major depression
Treatment includes mood stabilizers (lithium/valproate first line, also lamotrigine/quetiapine; add atypical antipsychotic for acute mania
Cyclothymic disorder: alternating periods of hypomanic symptoms and depressive symptoms without actually meeting criteria for hypomania and depression; persisting for 2+ years
Treat with CBT and lithium, atypical antipsychotics

Persistent depressive disorder: (aka dysthymic d/o) depressed mood and SIGECAPS symptoms without meeting full MDD criteria for 2+ years; described as baseline sadness; still enjoy some things
Treat with CBT first, then meds like SSRIs
Adjustment disorder: mood and anxiety symptoms 3 months after a stressor, typically resolving within 6 months
Treatment: supportive psychotherapy and meds for symptoms (insomnia, nausea)

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