Guild Wars: Sea of Sorrows - Chapter 18
Quaint & Curious Quaint & Curious
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 Published On Aug 16, 2024

The lost kingdom of Orr lies beneath the ocean waves, an entire civilization swallowed by an ancient cataclysm. For centuries, it has lain dormant in the depths, its ancient secrets lost. Until now. The Elder Dragon Zhaitan has risen.

About the Author:
Ree Soesbee is an award-winning writer, game designer, and author of more than sixteen novels in a wide variety of fantastic worlds, including the ever-popular Dragonlance saga. She is a member of ASCAP and the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, and has been nominated for multiple Origins Awards. Ree currently works professionally as a narrative designer for ArenaNet on the internationally acclaimed MMORPG, Guild Wars 2.
Her credits include traditional pen-and-paper RPGs such as Star Trek,
Deadlands, World of Warcraft, and 7th Sea. She worked as lead writer for
Legend of the Five Rings (both CCG and RPG) and was a primary designer for the Warlord CCG.
Ree holds a master’s degree in Myth and Literature, performed her doctorate
studies at UNC–Chapel Hill, and now lives in Seattle, where she spends her time writing, playing RPGs, MMORPGs, and LARPS, and being handmaiden to the Grand Adventuress of Cats.

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
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ISBN 978-1-4165-8962-4
ISBN 978-1-4391-5605-6 (ebook)

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