🌇夜のリラックスLOFI BGM | 勉強と作業のためのチルミュージック | Best Nighttime 【relax/Sleep/work】🌇
 Lofiの隠れ家【retreat room】 Lofiの隠れ家【retreat room】
68 subscribers

 Published On Sep 1, 2024

🌇一日の終わり、静かな夜にほっと一息つきたい時や、集中して作業を進めたい時に、このLOFI BGMがお供します。

🌇At the end of the day, when you want to take a breather on a quiet night, or when you want to concentrate on your work, this LOFI BGM will accompany you.
We hope you can enjoy a moment of relaxation while admiring the night view of the city, surrendering to the soothing rhythm and gentle melody.
We will gently support your mind so that you can progress in your studies and work.
Please use it as music to color your night.

🌇 하루의 끝, 조용한 밤에 한숨 돌리고 싶을 때, 일에 집중하고 싶을 때, 이 LOFI BGM을 동행.
도시의 야경을 바라보면서, 기분 좋은 리듬과 상냥한 멜로디에 몸을 맡기고, 편안한 한때를 보내 주세요.
공부와 일이 완화되도록 마음을 부드럽게 지원합니다.
밤을 물들이는 음악으로 활용하십시오.

・夜のリラックスタイムに(For relaxing time at night)
・勉強や仕事のBGMとして(As background music for study or work)
・夜の散歩のお供に(To accompany your night walk)
・リラックスしたい時に(when you want to relax)
・クリエイティブな作業の背景に(background for creative work)


0:00 夜風が語る物語 | Tales Whispered by the Night Breeze
(Enjoy LOFI sounds that resonate with your heart, as if the night breeze is softly whispering tales in your ear.)

04:23 無限の夜空 | Infinite Night Sky
(Music that draws out the quiet thoughts deep within as you gaze at the infinite night sky.)

09:13 夜の中の静寂 | Silence within the Night
外の静けさと内なる静寂が共鳴する、深いリラックスを与えるLOFIです。 (LOFI that offers deep relaxation as the quietness outside resonates with your inner silence.)

13:43 夜明けの予感 | The Promise of Dawn
(Music that makes you feel optimistic, as you sense the moment when the unseen morning draws near.)

17:08 街灯の下で | Beneath the Streetlights
(Music that accompanies the quiet moments when you stop under a streetlight in the still of the night.)

21:34 夜に漂う夢 | Dreams Drifting through the Night
夜の空気に溶け込むような、幻想的で夢見心地のLOFI音楽をお届けします。 (Bringing you dreamy, ethereal LOFI music that seems to dissolve into the night air.)

26:04 夜空のメッセージ | Messages from the Night Sky
(Music to help you feel the messages whispered by the stars in the night sky.)

30:18 小さな窓からの景色 | Views from a Small Window
(For those who cherish the time spent contemplating the night view outside a small window.)

34:47 心の静寂を探して | Searching for Inner Peace
(Bringing you serene LOFI music to help you find your own inner peace.)

38:59 夜の裏側 | The Other Side of the Night
(Music that makes you feel the hidden, other side of the night’s silence.)

43:24 終わらない夜の旅 | An Endless Night Journey
(LOFI music that leads you on an endless journey through the quiet of the night.)

48:23 心の中の灯火 | A Light in the Heart
(Music that helps you feel the small light burning deep within your heart, even in the darkness of night.)

52:58 夜の思索 | Nocturnal Contemplation
(Music that deepens your thoughts and sharpens your mind in the stillness of the night.)

57:04 夜に響く記憶 | Echoes of Memories in the Night
夜の中でふと蘇る記憶に寄り添う、ノスタルジックなLOFI音楽です。 (Nostalgic LOFI music that accompanies the memories that suddenly resurface in the night.)


🌟Thank you for listening! If this music brought even a little peace or relaxation to your day, I'm so glad. Cherish the small moments of happiness and the quiet nights.
Whenever you need a break, feel free to return and enjoy some more relaxing time with us.


✅Please let us know in the comments what songs you liked and what you felt.
Your feedback is really encouraging.
And if you like it, please hit the like 👍 button and subscribe to the channel!

I am always grateful. From the heart.


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