How To Create Your Ideal Self Image For Your Success Video 24th Feb 2024
Wayne Donnelly Hypnotherapist Wayne Donnelly Hypnotherapist
812 subscribers

 Published On Feb 27, 2024

Self image… the picture that you hold of yourself. And while you hold onto this picture , like a death grip, it keeps you in that exact same place.

The key to change is being able to adjust your self image. Maybe not in a wholesale way, maybe but by bit… one aspect at a time.

This is where on mindset coaching and hypnotherapy intersect .

Join me in this free web class to learn 3 techniques to lift your self image so that you can be the success that you want to be.
1. Creating the picture of your success - hypnotically,
2. Stepping Into The Feeling Of What It Is To Be The Success You Want To Be.
3. Developing The Focus That Keeps You In The Success Zone.

The session will be recorded so you can replay and perfect the techniques shared.

Included with this free web class is a complimentary, 30 minute, 1 on 1 Self Image coaching session to individualise/customise your learnings. You can book this by using the link here

I'm excited about sharing these cutting edge tools with you.

Wayne :)

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