【大悲咒】Great Compassion Mantra (Pinyin) 滿願陀羅尼 108遍 拼音 3小時 | 圓滿願望的千手千眼觀音咒語*積聚福德*佛教靜心版 易背誦 | 大悲菩提寺恭製
Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple  大悲菩提寺 Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple 大悲菩提寺
41.6K subscribers

 Published On Sep 30, 2023

大悲咒是滿願陀羅尼(梵語:महा करुणा धारनी),全名為「千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼」大悲咒 滿願陀羅尼 This mantra can fulfilled all of your wishes 。
觀世音菩薩欲安樂利益一切眾生之廣大圓滿、無礙大悲的大悲願力,以此咒除一切災難、除諸惡業病苦;能成就一切善法、隨心滿願;遠離一切怖畏、速登佛地的威神功德力。普遍《大悲咒》簡稱之,緣由自觀世音菩薩大慈大悲之大悲願力而命名。滿願陀羅尼 108遍 拼音 3小時 大悲菩提寺恭製

This Mantra can fulfilled all of your wishes. This mantra demonstrates the vast and complete power of Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva's unimpeded great compassion for the peace and happiness of all sentient beings. This mantra can not only eliminate all disasters and all bad karma and illness, but can also accomplish all good deeds and fulfill all wishes. Stay away from all fear and quickly ascend to the Buddha's land with the power of majestic merit and virtue. This Mantra is commonly referred to as the Great Compassion Mantra because it is named because of the great compassion of Avalokiteśvara Guan Yin Bodhisattva who relief all sentient beings's sufferings. This video designed by Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple

《千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圆满無礙大悲心陀羅尼經》中, 觀世音菩薩向世尊啟白:「



◎相關線上弘法連結如下 Related websites for Online Preaching:

護持捐款請至加拿大大悲菩提寺官方網站 :https://gcbptemple.org/wp/support-us/
如果有任何問題,歡迎您寫電子郵件來詢間 [email protected],感恩您

The Great Compassion Bodhi Temple invites you to support our Online Buddhadharma Teaching Project.
We are a Buddhist temple located in a quiet forest in the north of Toronto, Canada. For the past ten years, the Great Compassion Bodhi Temple has been deeply involved in adult Buddhist education and youth meditation education in the West.
Ven. Abbess Master Miao Jing has always adhered to the original intention of "promoting Buddhism in the West", and is fully committed to promoting Buddhist education online and in person. Over the years, she has developed lots of English videos to promote Buddhism, and at the same time, Mandarin and bilingual languages videos to promote Mahayana Buddhism in the West.
Therefore, in order to ensure the sustainable development of the Dharma teaching, we hereby invite you to donate and support our temple, the ambition of promoting Buddhadharma teaching. We appreciate your support, rejoice your merits! Please visit our official temple website for support and donation: https://gcbptemple.org/wp/support-us/
We invite you supporting us monthly, we will do prayer for you, thank you.

◎本寺相關線上弘法連結如下 Related websites for Online Preaching:


請參考加拿大大悲菩提寺官方網站 Official Websites: https://gcbptemple.org

【大悲菩提寺 Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple】
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****The following are our official channels****
If you wish to watch more teachings and read the whole story of Guan Yin, please visit official website at: www.gcbptemple.org
Our official YouTube channel @   / gcbptemple  
Our official Facebook account:   / gcbptempleorg  
We value your feedback, please email to [email protected]. If you are interested in any topics and Buddhist stories please kindly email us. We are welcome any methods of support. Our videos all produced by our volunteers, if you are interested to support in translation or design , please kindly contact us. We appreciate your support.

Please view our Guan Yin Stories given by Ven. Abbess Master Miao Jing
If you enjoy our videos, please support us by sharing these videos with your friends, thank you.

We value your feedback or questions, please email us or suggest the topics you are interested. We welcome any methods of support, please visit our official website www.gcbptemple.org to view our video database. If you wish you donate our charity to support our work, please visit our website www.gcbptemple.org or contact us at [email protected] to support. Thank you.

We always appreciate your supports in any methods. Thanks for watching ! We wish you a merciful and peaceful day.

#大悲咒#Sahasrabhuja Sahasranetra Avalokiteśvara Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī#廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼#觀世音菩薩#大悲心陀羅尼#觀世音菩薩神咒#大悲菩提寺

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