Learn 162 Costa Rica Birds in High Definition! Filmed on two Spring 2022 tours.
Bird Ecology & Identification Videos by Marty Bird Ecology & Identification Videos by Marty
2.4K subscribers

 Published On May 26, 2022

I led two back to back Costa Rica birding tours in late March and early April, 2022.
Jose was able to find us some incredible colorful birds.
I created this video of the birds who were cooperative and posed for me.
This video helped us fill our 12 person Costa Rica tour February 4-15, 2023
I am leading an incredible Ecuador tour in Septembers with Crescentia Expeditions!
Email Marty at [email protected] for more information.

0:00 Introduction
1:44 Great Curassow Crex rubra
1:51 Gray headed Chachalaca
1:59 Black Guan
2:15 Marbled Wood Quail Odontophorus gujarati
2:21 Brown Pelican
2:44 Fasciated Tiger Heron
3:03 Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis
3:11 Green Heron
3:24 Roseate Spoonbill
3:33 Common Black Hawk
3:49 Ornate Hawk Eagle
4:33 Northern Jacana
4:39 Southern Lapwing
4:44 Whimbrel
4:50 Royal Tern
4:56 Sandwich Tern
5:01 Red-billed Pigeon
5:08 White-winged Dove
5:15 Inca Dove Columbia ince
5:39 Crimson-fronted Parakeet
5:48 Squirrel Cuckoo
5:53 Mottled Owl
6:12 Common Potoo
6:18 Hermit, Green
6:43 Fiery-throated Hummingbird
6:58 Talamanca Hummingbird
7:05 White-necked Jacobin
7:12 Cavinet's Emerald
7:32 Rufous tailed Hummingbird
7:43 Lesser Violetear
7:52 Violet-headed Hummingbird
7:58 Scintillant Hummingbird (female)
8:06 Magento throated Woodstar
8:14 Volcano Hummingbird
8:37 Resplendent Quetzal
8:49 Collared Trogon
8:58 Black throated Trogon
9:09 Gartered Trogon Tragon caligatus
9:20 Lesson's Motmot
9:45 Ringed Kingfisher
9:51 Pygmy Kingfisher
9:56 Green Kingfisher
10:17 Rufous-tailed Jacamar
10:42 Yellow-throated Toucan
11:42 Acorn Woodpecker
11:51 Rufous winged Woodpecker
12:05 Hoffman's Woodpecker Melanerpes hoffmanni
12:11 Golden Olive Woodpecker, female
12:59 Cocoa Woodcreeper
13:08 Barred Antshrike
13:29 Bicolored Antbird Gymnapithys bicolor
13:37 Chestnut-backed Antbird
13:43 Yellow.olive Flycatcher
14:07 Torrent Tyrannulet
14:13 Royal Flycatcher Onychorhynchus coronatus
14:22 Yellowish Flycatcher
14:27 Tufted Flycatcher
14:35 Dusky-capped Flycatcher
14:49 Social Flycatcher
14:59 Gray-capped Flycatcher
16:00 107. White collared Manakin
16:09 108. Orange-collared Manakin
18:08 123. American Dipper
18:18 124. Long-tailed Silky Flycatcher
18:32 126. Collared Redstart
18:57 129. Bananaquit
19:59 135. Hepatic Tanager
20:21 138. Speckled Tanager
20:29 139. Bay headed Tanager
20:49 142. Palm Tanager
21:05 144. Green Honeycreeper
22:24 153. Orange-billed Sparrow
22:52 157. Melodious Blackbird
23:18 160. Montezuma Oropendola

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