意式雜錦海鮮湯 - 洛杉磯 Cioppino - Los Angeles Vlog
煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle 煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
705K subscribers

 Published On Apr 12, 2019


We stayed in Los Angeles for four days before heading back to Hong Kong. In today's episode I'll be making Cioppino - an Italian/American seafood stew originated in San Francisco.

二至三人份量/ For two to three people:

蒜兩瓣 2 cloves of garlic
紅洋蔥一個 - 1 red onion
辣椒三條 - 3 red chilli
番茜適量 - handful of parsley
羅勒葉四片 - 4 basil leaves
罐頭蕃茄300克 - 300g of canned tomatoes
蕃茄一個 - 1 medium tomato
蜆汁240毫升 - 240ml of clam juice
清水100毫升 - 100ml of water
溶牛油20克 - 20g of melted butter
甜椒粉適量 - pinch of paprika
牛油20克 - 20g of butter
檸檬汁少量 - squeeze of lemon juice
鹽適量 - salt
黑胡椒適量 - black pepper

** 海鮮(隨你喜歡) / An assortment of seafood including (but that's up to you) **
龍蝦尾 Lobster tail
蜆 - clams
青口 - mussels
帶子 - scallops
白身魚 - white fish
魷魚 - squid
蝦 - shrimp
蟹鉗 - crab claws

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