油條Fired Dough Sticks它是中國各地傳統早餐美食,可以說每個人都吃過它
Snacks and Delicacies Snacks and Delicacies
97 subscribers

 Published On Sep 23, 2024

在日常生活中,特別是在早餐中,提起油條這種食品,可以說是家喻戶曉。說起油條,還有個傳說呢。相傳在南宋時,人們對賣國賊秦檜恨之入骨,在京城有個丁姓小食販,把麵團做成人形,入油鍋炸之,取名油炸檜。其成品外酥嫩內鬆軟,色澤金黃,鹹香適口,成為老少皆宜、婦幼喜食的大眾化傳統早點食品。In daily life, especially in breakfast, mention this kind of food of deep-fried twisted dough sticks, say to be widely known. Talk about the deep-fried twisted dough sticks, there is a legend. During the Southern Song Dynasty according to legend, people litterly hate to the traitor Qin Hui, it is bought to sell that a man is surnamed the young food in the capital, adult's shape of making the dough, enter the oil cauldron and fry it, is named the fried Chinese juniper. Finished product its outside crisp and tender and inside soft, color and luster salty and fragrant and agreeable to the taste golden yellow, become, suit the taste of both old and young, women and children like popularization traditional breakfast food of food.

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